On the Subject of Meowmorse
🐈 Is there a CAT indicator on the bomb?
- This module looks like a Metamorse, but the hexagonal button has triangle ears. Pressing the top right button plays a song with a cat's meow. This decodes to a Morse code message of 3 to 6 letters. There are long pauses between letters. Decode the Morse code according to the following rules:
- If there are less than 2 indicators, turn each letter in the serial number into its numeric position in the alphabet (A=1, B=2,..., Z=26) and calculate the sum of the numbers. Subtract the number of "M", "E", "0(zero)", and "W" in the serial number from the total, and then modulo it by 3. Go to 4th instruction.
- Otherwise, get the first three indicators in alphabetical order. For each indicator, take the first letter if it is lit and the third letter if it is unlit to make a 3-letter word. If the word is "CAT", set the target-meow to the middle tone and skip to the next section.
- Turn each letter in the word into its numeric position in the alphabet (A=1, B=2,..., Z=26) and calculate the sum of the numbers. Subtract the number of vowels in the serial number from the number, and then modulo it by 3.
- If it is 0, the target-meow is low tone. If it is 1, the target-meow is middle tone. Otherwise, the target-meow is high tone.
- Press the display to get the sound of meow with the middle tone.
- For each received meow from the song, use the table below to turn them into a sequence of dots and dashes. Use the column that applies to the pitch of the received meow compared to the target-meow and the row that matches the length of the received meow.